have you seen me somewhere CapnWinky (there is a picture of my back somewhere with my old hair-cut... or more accurate hair-collection since it hadn't been cut in a while in that pic. However, unlike any pic of Charles manson I've ever seen, it was down past my shoulders, and I didn't have a beard)
Anyway, I'm not charles manson. I wouldn't use music to predict my killings (Right now if I wanted to rip off charles manson without using music, I'd say I'm most likely to use Elemental: War of Magic dialogue. But that isn't out yet, so you'd be safe) Anyway, I don't think anybody has ever been hurt leaving home reguardless of parent protests to spend time with a person they barely met on some internet forum or chat.
Fact: The internet never lies. You need to beware women and children (who are usually untrustworthy men and cops respectively) Fun-loving Guys on the internet are 100% safe provided you arn't a girl or boy under the age of 18.... oh, wait. Nevermind. 
(of course I'm joking. Yes, I was "half" serious because I would be willing to meet some people from this forum in seattle. I don't know if I'd want to drive up there with them per say, but I'm a pretty trusting guy in general and other but similar arrangements like car pools and shared hotel rooms I'm available to discuss. However, I am not serious about doing it with you in particular, especially if you wanted to car pool from Ohio, because if you were willing to go that far out of your way, I'd suspect you had other motives of some kind)