Your arguement is fail for the simple reason it's the other's who try to will their rules on other people.
Yes.. im sure that starting a server that reads: no doubles is forcing you to play on that server, thereby forcing their rules onto you...
But hey, it is me and my argument that is failing, sure. Do you really want me to continue? So be it.
It has nothing to do with being elitist. It has to do with idiots (people i berate because im better than them, but im no way elitist) coming in to my game bringing their absurd (unacceptable, because i know the only true way to play the game) rules. I don't care if a newby plays in my game, I just have a HUGE problem with people being completely irrational. Making up silly rules with no backing, is stupid.
Frankly, i could have made more corrections in that single snippet above, but hey.. it has nothing to do with being an elitist. After all, that is merely used as a synonym for "egoistic pr*ck". So i shall use that term from now on, if you find elitist to be that bad.
I seriously doubt it is players coming to YOUR games demanding that there be no doubles. If they are, they are no better than you. If you consider every game to be YOUR game tho, thats a different issue and asks a big question: shouldn't you see a doctor?
Doesn't hurt my ego at all, but again, you consider your opinion of other people actual facts for an arguement in this discussion.
Yes, i do consider my opinion of other people actual facts. you are right.. that why that line was formulated as a question and not a statement. You can't even read, let alone understand a word i'm writing, but you insist on arguing about it. Well.. insis on TRYING to argue about it.. for that you would have to use actual arguments, which you do not seem to like that much.
It is your right to doubt it, i dont really care...
the way you argue makes me think you're very bad at thinking on your toes. You want nothing to do with us because you can't come up with any rationality other than OMG LET PEOPEL DO WHAT THEY WANTZZZZZZZ.
That "rationality" actually works a lot better than the one you seem to be so fond of: OMG PEOPEL DO WHAT I SAY CUZ I KNOW BETTER.
That's not an arguement, that's OPINION. Again- We question WHY people come up with general rules to things there should not be rules to. If they can't come up with a half decent answer, than it's absurd, period.
You keep turning that question around, even though random player A playing a game with random player B is not really your business as long as you are not involved. Yet you want them to play by YOUR rules and demand THEM (or US, or even ME) to explain to you why it is rational to play by those different rules.
I doubt you will understand it, but for those who do here is the simple version: BECAUSE THEY WANT TO. AND BECAUSE THEY DO NOT HARM TO OTHERS BY DOING IT. If I want to play an all sedna game, you will have no say in that. If I want to play an all random game, you will have no say in that either. Sure you can cry all about it, call me names, berate my skills, turn red, grow horns and shoot lightning out of your a$$.. that will not change the fact, that in my games i do as i like. The best you can do is not play in them. Same goes for every other player of Demigod. It is not a question of why they do it, as that is given.. the question is: why should they NOT do it. that is the answer you keep evading and that is the answer i will be very suprised to see answered.. guess why i was kinda happy when someone at least tried to answer the real question instead of dancing around it.
Oh god, climb down off your high horse man. Check my games, I play with newbies on my team all the freaking time. I even teach my opponents how to play, while they're playing me. I have nothing against newbies, and neither does anyone here. Our problem is with people being ignorant and stupid, the only title you deserve.
I dont care about you as much as you seem to care about me. I have nowhere to clime down from, or climb on to.. neither do i plan on doing so.
That is the issue most people who come up with these ridiculous rules have.
Maybe so, yet this thread was not started by them, but by someone who merely said that he thinks the rule is pointless.. i would say it is bordering the category: flame bait. So i agree that there surely are people who would ban them (i made it quite clear im not from those) and no.. i still believe that this thread is not the place to fight against that proposed ban.. if anything, then drawing attention to the issue works against your own interests, but i doubt you are smart / experienced enough to see that.
Default skirmish settings = the rules. People generally find rules acceptable, when they make LOGICAL RATIONAL SENSE, all of which, doubles do not. This is one point you continuously avoid. Yes people can play whatever they want, but the idea they create these rules that are irrational and expect everyone to follow them is ridiculous.
So ESL rules are not "the rules" either.. poor them. Apart from a few extremists, noone expects everyone to follow these custom rules. It is something you must have dreamed up yourself. Either that, or you can surely point me to a thread that shows heavy support for this.
I've argued against random-only games, but im not going to bring that up.
If it was the same kind of arguing you do here, then we can be prepared that randoms will soon become the new standard of gameplay. The best you could do to not help a cause is.. quite frankly.. stay silent about it.
That isn't it at all. But I can jump to generalities about why you defend these people to. You have no basis for this comment though, and so support for your arguement is again fail.
No im sure its not true. After all.. you said so. Feel free to ignore the explanations and rationalizations where i explained why i think this way... its probably way over your head anyway.
This is ridiculous, and makes no point. Yes taking options out of the game restricts game play. You want an award for realizing that? We could reduce the game to the rule of only regulus. Would that be logical?
Again.. you must be right, after all.. you find that ridiculous. I would argue, but since there is no argument in the quote above, there is just nothing to argue with.
I'm still waiting for you to make one.
Quite frankly, i will sooner teach a lobotomized monkey how to build a space shuttle, than get a single point through your wall of ignorance. Plus that line was not even directed at you, so i hope you didnt for a moment think that you managed to make a sensible argument.. you didnt.. you would have to start using arugments for that first, which you just refuse to do.