Like it or not other forms of gameplay exist and as I've pointed out with wicked's record there's no proof that pub stompers are required to play better or worse than random players.
Like it or not, no game should be balanced around nub play.
Like it or not other forms of gameplay exist and as I've pointed out with wicked's record there's no proof that pub stompers are required to play better or worse than random players.
Fail. We don't use the record as justification. We use the fact we have team expereince at a higher level than you as the justification.
That's not the case at all. I've stated over and over again that it's simply a matter of preference, I'm neither right nor wrong and there's no expectation that they're going to change the system
There is a right and wrong. Theres nothign wrong with flag caps except that teams let them happen.
People are whining for new DGs, more maps, automatching systems, and pretty much any positive change you can think of. If you define just posting on the boards as whining and decree that no whines shall be caved to, then there's no way to ever improve the game. The purpose of the forums becomes self defeating.
Whining with true data and evidence is different than whining about somthing that works just fine. Don't connect dots that aren't related here buddy.
Sorry buddy, but I don't care one bit about whether you think I've earned the right to talk down to you. Fact is in both threads you were the instigator who insulted my skill level first, and you've used your record to justify doing so.
I insulted your bad logic which you seem to have alot of.
As I pointed out, your record is garbage, do I need to keep dredging up your game records? Shall we go back another game?
I've said myself that records mean nothing. You pointed nothing out to me other than hiding behind my good record as some excuse to talk down to me. The point I was making, is that even with a partner, I bet you still couldn't get a record like that, i'm saying you're that bad ;(.
Look at that, one of the best teams you've ever fought it seems, right on man.
Wow you went through all my games? You must be really stretching for some way to invalidate me. Even I don't know who i've fought 
I'm calling you out on thinking you're hot shit because you roll people who don't know how to play.
I never said I was hot shit, please find one post that shows that. I believe you're crap that doesn't validate any claims he makes. You can find lots of posts like that.
I'll play you if we're on, add me to friends and we'll figure something out.
Good idea, let's rely on the obviously broken friends system that I havn't even had a chance to play with RobWild with.