"provide four (4) promotional links, selected by TWCi and provided through the Service on each data call, back to www.weather.com for additional weather information in close proximity to the TWCi Content as set forth in Exhibit B of the Agreement"
I hope you're right about being able to hide them. It stands to reason that TWC would want them visible, and if doing the right thing is a big deal, then displaying them may be necessary. If you read that phrase, you see "in close proximity to the TWCi Content". Also, Exhibit B may specify that they be visible.
Could you please read my previous post to see if it's feasible or not. Thanks.
Exhibit B does not specify that they be visible at all times. The only thing Exhibit B states is that they are required and must be no more than 35 characters long. They are technically in close proximity to the weather information; I'm not going to release the widget until I've dotted I's and crossed Ts, but if I end up splitting too many hairs on this I will shelve the project.
As for displaying a web page on the desktop, yes, you could create a web browser object that points to weather.com. But having a webpage on the desktop would be unsightly, IMO. Plus, there's no point in turning a webpage into a widget when a user can just fire up the internet. I checked out their web widgets and it might be possible to use one of those instead--although, the information is limited to current conditions and they come with logos and ads, too.
Another weather feed option (also needs logo displayed): http://wiki.wunderground.com/index.php/API_-_XML
Seems like a really good alternative. Someone's going to have to create all new code and icons for it. 
So it seems we have 4 choices:
- Create a widget in compliance with TWC's new rules
- Create a widget utilizing TWC's web widget code
- Create a widget based on Wunderground's feeds.
- Find another weather source
Personally, I think weaning ourselves off of TWC might be the best way to go, long-term; it'll take more work, but it's better to have variety.