From looking trough the LUA code the only thing I can see would be that the graphics are turned off after the first 45 secs, the real lock should still be active though.
# Start Can Not Capture Flag Effect
AttachEffectsAtBone( params.Targets[1], EffectTemplates.Items.Consumable.DefenseOfVayikraActivate, -2 )
If anyone could care to test this by casting a flaglock on an already existing one about 30 secs old and see if the graphics are removed 15 secs later. The flag should still be uncapturable though since the capture buff stacks Always
Buffs = {
BuffBlueprint {
Name = 'Item_Consumable_030',
DisplayName = '<LOC ITEM_Consumable_0016>Capture Lock',
Description = '<LOC ITEM_Consumable_0032>Cannot be captured.',
BuffType = 'IUSESPRINT',
Debuff = false,
Stacks = 'ALWAYS',
Duration = 45,
Affects = {
Icon = 'NewIcons/Gadget/DefenseofVayikra',