The reason that many games have standard VoIP is because they are launched with standard MP features that allow appropriate matchmaking. That means that premades are playing premades and PUGs are playing PUGs. And there are plentiful mechanisms for setting up those two situations. Right now, DG is in a state where you do not have the machanisms for appropriate matchmaking. That means that we as the players have to do what we can to rectify the situation until SD/GPG gets things squared away. Until things get added, its unfair for premades to take advantage of the lack of appropriate matchmaking by always using VoIP.
Voicechat as third party was out in the starcraft days, it's not the common ventrilo users fault stardock hasn't implemented it as a feature for those without.
As people have already pointed out, your automatching thing is a poor suggestion.
Understood, and I withdrawl my comment about that. I was unaware they were broken.
Automatching does not work well right now. First off, as is well documented, premades play together in automatching all the time. This not only means that you are going to encounter just as many premades with VoIP as in Custom Games (so you havent even solved the problem), but you are also going to be playing more AIs from when premades goof things up by quitting before the game starts.
Why would premades be using such a broken feature? These are the people you should be complaining about, as they ARE the ones looking for an easy game.
Using 3rd Party programs to gain an indisuptable advantage is often considered an unfair advantage. Thats why they get you banned in many online games.
The first game company to ban somone for using ventrilo would go down in history as the worst business decision ever. Stardock rep's, PLEASE clarify that voicecom is not considered a cheat. Third party apps ussualy means CHEATS, BOTS, ETC. ie: Physical Game Alterations that INTERFACE with the game in the application itself.
There is no practical mechanism for PUGs to all get together on VoIP even if they all had it, or for PUGs to only play PUGs. Thats the bottom line. If there was a practical method of this happening, then it would be completely reasonable for Premades to always use VoIP. To put it bluntly, the problem isnt VI not being with the times, its that DG is not with the times in terms of MP features. Until DG catches up (and SD supports their games well, so it shouldnt take that long), you have to acknowledge that some things are a bit rudimentary and not take advantage of things if you are a premade.
There are some chances people would be willing to get on vent with you, most people don't ask though. Again, I feel in no way that im "taking advantage" of people by being on a social voice com. I could just as easily skype in or talk on the phone to somone while I play. If proficient efforts were made to get these people onto a standardized voice channel such as skype (which is free), than you might be suprised what exactly would happen.