Lets take the age old question...Which came first? The chicken or the egg?
Actually, the chicken did come first. Why? Because the chicken got laid first... =P
This is why math has been chosen as the universal language.
Okay, there are a bunch of mathematicians and popular scientists who like to think maths is the universal language... okay, fine, i agree, 1 + 1 in any language is still 2, no matter how you depict it... but what good is a language if you cant say anything with it? You cant use maths to describe, depict or define beauty, love, anger, loyalty, pride, self-preservation, lust/attraction, and those are just the easy ones (all the emotions) you cant communicate philosophy with maths. You cant even communicate what each value means, so you cant tell the other person when you switch from explaining how the computer works to what the computer looks like.
Yeah yeah, maths is the universal language... but its a language that doesnt say a whole lot... which makes it rather superfluous and 'meh'
We can eat...Who ever would like to test themselves for how aware they are, follow the simple exercise bellow...
and yet... it would appear you have not actually said anything. you havent outlined a lesson, you havent told us anything, you've been defending a position you havent even defined yet, is it possible you dont even know yourself what you are talking about, and instead hope that if you spout enough semi-sensicle sludge, someone else will fill in the details? Thats happened a few times before... usually just before a religion is created... and anyone can see how much good THOSE things did...
"...And he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made."
obviously, whoever wrote that particular line in the bible wasnt entirely familiar with the complete meaning of the words "Omnipotent" and "All Powerful"...
...................there is knowledge here..................
uhh... its Wikipedia... duh... oh you meant truth... sorry, its hard to keep up with the constant changes and useless flinging of 'riddles' with no answer, other than to make you 1. realise there is no answer and you are stupid for even trying, and 2. the person creating these 'riddles' is simply attempting to appear deeper than they are.
This post and others like it reminds me of a story. A poet and the smartest man/scientist alive are sitting next to each other on a plane. The Scientist, getting bored, turned to the Poet and said: "I say, what would you say to a wager?"
The Poet said "Im listening"
The Scientist said "I will ask you a question, and if you get it wrong, you pay me $50. Then, you ask me a question, and if i cannot answer it, or answer it wrong, ill pay you $50"
The Poet said "oh, i dont know, you seem pretty confident and smart... i dont think i want to wager"
So the Scientist says "okay, if you cannot answer my question, you only have to pay $20" but the Poet declines.
So the Scientist, desperate for a distraction, says "Fine, if i get a question wrong, ill give you $100, and if you get one wrong, you only have to pay me $5"
At which point the Poet says "Well, with those bets, okay, i suppose ill give it a go"
The Scientist, excited, asks "Okay, what is the value of Pie to 6 decimal places?"
The Poet, knowing he has no clue, simply hands over a $5 bill silently.
The Scientist, feeling smug, says "okay, your turn." So the Poet thinks for a bit and asks "What goes up a mountain on 3 legs, eats the mossy grass there, and comes down on 4 legs?"
The Scientist's smile disappears, as he pulls out a pen and paper and begins to write down equations. After a while, he pulls out a calculator and starts punching in numbers, and then later he pulls out a laptop and begins to run the most advanced simulation programs.
At the end of the flight, the Poet gets up to leav and the Scientist, not having had any food, drink or rest, looks at the Poet and says "I cannot figure it out...". He grudgingly pulls out a $100 bill and gives it to the Poet.
The Poet thanks him and turns to leave, but the Scientist, half crazed, stops him and says "Wait, you cant leave, i must know the answer. What goes up a mountain on 3 legs but comes down on 4?"
The Poet says "I have no idea, but if i find out, ill be sure to tell you"
Fantastic Story... happens to share a rather noticable resemblance with this post... We have lessons to learn, journeys to go on, paths to follow, time to waste... i dont know where or what they are, but as soon as i find out, you'll be the first to know...