WHo came first ........................who truly sinned? Was it just sin?....?.....or was it truly
Arc sin?......you know you are upright, parallel to the surface on whice you move....so why
do you look over both shoulders?........................or do you strive to be upright, effiecent
in your movements, "Evolved" among your species?....So why do u constanly look directly
behind you, when you should just look at yourself in your minds eye, and focus to your
right side?......"Well if i must "spell" it out......" If traveler A starts at a point......where it is
90 degree's. The sun is beating down like hail and the only shelter from the Sol's
stingging ray's is in a oasis...some distance to the north. Along your path you aproach
what seems to be a very weatherd sign......Now in your minds eye " you are lucid to the
possibilities. You know going back to the 90 degree's is .....,well we won't even
mention. So you never look back, but you do glance over your shoulders, to ....u know.....and
then you,
start to work on the sign. No matter what you decode, you have narrowed down your
options. for they were once great, now they are but a few. And it is in this moment when
the vision is most clear, for it is the truth that has manifested itself to the self, but if un
attended, it will wither on the vien.
So it is here, at this moment of reflection of the whole self do we find ourselves, but lose
our direction. As we seek for the path we were once on, we notice the path's of others.
We establish that the path's are not of the same origin, nor does it seem that they have
common destinations; you do not know; lenght and distance are truly unknown.
Do you keep forward....I mean if we are all on the same level, we all start at different
points, but always moved perfectly straight, would math explain to me that our path's
would have never crossed? And is it possible for us to share in a universal experience if we
do not experiance the same things? ..........................................................
"Would I be a child or in a child's mind to unknowingly translate such a serious diagram
stated above as to only spell out the little happy face at the
No "I" say, for the path on whice u find your self is a lush, more wilderness type of terrain.
It was not laid down by children, or women carrying water to wash...........ahh yes!! So
you see that the path on whice you walked without direction, know becomes a freeway by
comparison, to the path on whice you now travel. This path is still lush because the hardships of
passage are not for everyone. There are other path's......
and if we part ways with good energy, "let's say a wave", then Is our path's not
preordained to meet at some point again?.............
If it is thirty degree's on one day.............
And then sixty degree's on day two..........................
How many degree's will it be when you, the traveler, and myself actually arrive at the
beginning....... or end of our trip?