So a couple of days ago, my hard drive crashed and had to be completely replaced with a new one. Dell sent me a new one no prob, but I was wondering if anyone could tell me how I go about re-downloading/re-installing the Stardock software I had previously purchased onto my new HDD... Thanks!
Download Impulse, sign in and go to the My Software Tab. All the software that you had previously purchased should show there and be available for download. If you downloaded games they should show under the My Games tab. When I got a new computer this is how I redownloaded my Stardock software.
You can also go to , enter your e-mail address to have your product info automatically sent to you.
Or, You can click on this url and not bother Dash
And save the url to your faves.
there you go Philly. You have a lot of options to choose.
Actually that'll link to a page that sends it off automatically. Not that there aren't other ways to bother Dash.
Whew! What a relief!
huh, when i click it it takes me to the my registrations tab @ my account page @ WC
never got anything sent to me for looking at it before
Sorry if it wasn't clear, I meant that link.
Yes, there are many ways to bother Dash, and Shirley knows lots of them...
Thanks all!
So fr4nk3nstein do you have everything reinstalled and running okay? Just out of curosity what method did you use?
Yup. I actually just found the email stardock sent after I made my purchases that included the serials and a download link. I just clicked the link, put in the serials, and downloaded any necessary updates. Works like a charm!
That may become my new email signature
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