Being stupid is completely different from being new, if you do something stupid once most people will advise you against it, if you do it multiple times I don't blame people for berating you.
It seems i can't avoid telling the story what motivated my post after all.
We were having a 3v3 on cataract. On the other team was a regulus, whom i recognized as a pretty decent player. He was a real pain in the a$$ and i mean that in a good way. I did find myself running more often than not, thanks a big part to his snipes. His teammates also did a decent job at keeping the flags captured. All in all, in the first 5-10 minutes, they were having 2 out of the 3 flags capped most of the time, but sometimes all three of them. We were struggling.
Part of this struggle was our teammate, a rook who had throubles with his game. He said his game stayed black and white after he died... suffice to say, he didnt do much, must have been fighting with his game instead of the opponents. After about 10 minutes he told us that he is sorry, but he cant continue like this and then quits.
Ironically enough, the AI did a lot better than a non playing human opponents, so we were able to push the enemy back, and with the use of locks achieved a slight flag dominance (2 out of 3 most of the time) allowing us to slowly climb back to equal warscore. Having less pressure on us from war score, we were able to look at other things. We even managed to get a few good kills on from of our opponents. Thats when it started. At first i didnt realize what was wrong, but later on i managed to piece the things together. The regulus guy must have gotten into an argument with his teammates over them dying and in doing so he stopped playing. This did mean however, that now it was the 3 of us (2+AI) vs just two enemy demigods trying to hold the field. I've seen a few snipes from the regulus, but have not really seen him at any flags past that point in the game.
A few minutes later he started complaining about his team in public chat. I told him that its a damn 2v3 as far as humans are concerned, so he should stfu as him complainings is kinda ridiculous. He goes on berating his team and eventually quits.
Now the really ironic part of it all.. his team was not playing really bad. Might not have been exceptionally good either, but surely not worth the comments he made. In fact, it was him who allowed the game to turn around, and yet he was the one complaining.
He could have worked with them to overcome their weakness and get a not-so-easy win thanks to the AI feeding them, but instead he left his team. After this, the game was over. Maybe if he would have left straight away, the two remaining guys would have had a chance, but during the minutes he just talked we dominated the map giving us an advantage they couldnt negate later.
Now the thing is.. every single case i saw, where the public chat was being used to berate teammates fell into this very same category. Fairly decent player who gets upset about something his teammates do and in the end causes his team to lose because of him leaving, or going passive while holding a speech in chat. Most of the times these happen in early-mid game, where nothing is decided yet.
So nope.. sorry.. if you are mad at someone, get a piece of paper and tear it to shreds.. the other players are not your emotional recycle bin. They are not there to dump your feelings onto them. Not to mention, that more often than not, the complaining players is not even 100% right.