Quoting Climber, reply 8And how about, caravan spread influence/border? And if the caravan has not travel that area for long time, the border dwindles? After all, caravan means trade route & trade route spread influences.
Caravans extending your borders would be awesome. However, it might be worthwhile to have caravans be really good at expanding your borders in wild space, but not so quickly in claimed territory. I don't really want major traders to slowly erode everyone's borders with profuse amounts of caravans... Or maybe having a military presence in the area can greatly curb border-expansion from caravans?
Climber: I think allowing caravan expanding border within others’ claimed territory is a mistake. That should be disallowed. Caravan should only be able to expand border on wild spaces, or when dipo is in conflict and war. I don’t want micro caravan.
Quoting Climber, reply 8Location specific RoP may be a bit difficult to do, in terms of UI. Although I like location specific RoP, I don’t mind there isn’t one. RoP is a very flexible way to deal with border.
….Whether or not the AI could be made to consider such routes in a diplomatic treaty is where a location-specific RoP treaty might be difficult to implement.
Climber: I’ll be happy if there is only empire-vs-empire level RoP. Location specific RoP is a bonus, if devs has time to make it good. Location specific RoP seem to be quote a different thing to rally points.
... I'd rather a 3rd Party Merchant's Guild in charge of international trade not have to deal with RoP (too much micromanagement). On the topic of what route international trade caravans take, refer to that thread if you dare
Climber: I’ve no intention to spend my life in that huge thread. I know there is good stuff there, but someone pls summarize it. I’ve exactly the opposite opinion. Caravan can trespass borders inappropriately even when they are using a merchant guild. The only exceptions are if the caravan itself is invisible, bribing the merchant guild to smuggle stuff for you.
Quoting Scoutdog, reply 17Actually, GC2 spheres with a diplo-optional "get out" button and a few other features sounds like a pretty good idea.
Climber: Scoutdog, if you have to always push that button, you’ll be annoyed. Why not make it automatically pushed? In that case, it will be very similar to the Neutral diplo state.
Another use for the border. If there is an event log, the log should keep track of all opponent units that get in/out of it, including caravans.
Plus side of having borders:
Trade boundaries and troop access based on diplomatic relations.
Border centric spell options, for instance, curse enemy land spells, boost friendly land spells, heal troops in friendly territory, etcetera.
Negative side of having borders: Gay influence mechanics.
I'm torn.
Agreed there are lot of fun stuff can be done with border. The question is how to draw the border elegantly. What is the simplest & fair rule for your border? Now we have a few choices, distance from your settlement, essence revitalized hexes, Civ4 style cultural influence, caravan routes, and population. How the border is drawn should base on a combination of some these factors.
Border can make cross border trade important. Say if an empire happens to have 80% of Iron on map (maybe it is from RMG, maybe the map designer wants that), a proper border mechanism can make the iron trade interesting. Say if that empire happens to be at one corner, its more central neighboring countries should get some trade route revenue. But anyone who wants to rob these caravans has to be in conflict with these countries.
Border has little effect on prolonging the game. If there is ‘conflict’ diplo status, it only delays your invasion a few turns. Eternal game is something related to the birth, death & succession of the Soverign (or other characters) as I’ve mentioned in the “Dynamic History” thread.