Jim Butcher writes a fantasy series called Codex Alera or probably more commonly known as his Fury series since most books have Fury in the title (Captain's Fury, Academs Fury, etc).
The fantasy world is pretty unique with none of the usual elf/dwarf type races. The two major fantasy races are essentially a hive-mind bug type creature and gigantic werewolf like creatures, in addition to the Human "Alerans". The magic is particularly unique where most Alerans have a "fury" which is their source of magic. Different people have different strength furies and some have multiuple furies. You could think of a channeller as having control over the huge fury powers of the land (for example, in the books there is a fury that are essentially the spirit of a volcano). Also, only the Alerans have furies. The Canim (wolves) have their own blood magic of a sort. The Hive creatures have some mind control of sorts and, well, sort of land alteration as they cover land they take over with a particular substance.
The cool part here are the types of units. Water fury casters are generally healers, there's fire, earth (strength), steel (weapons prowesss), wood (archers), and air (flying). I've always thought this Alera world would make for a really cool strategy game.