Dominas I dont wanan see boosted. Subs could sue a bit mroe HP and that's it. Their relative weekness come from the fact most people jsut don't build enought to reach critical mass. As TEC to properly cover my fleet I need 10 hoshis reping, 20 hoshies disabaling, 10 cielos empowering and 10 cielos using designate target. That'S 50 support cruisers and in a 1.01 mixed fleet it gave that fleet alot of power. You can do that witht he other races as well.
As Vasary 20 oversears will amke your fleet hard to kill. Hell 15 will probably surfice, Then have 10 subs use sheild disruption and 20 use distortion feild and you will shut down enemy fleets.
Same for advent hell you even need lest. Combined with a Progenitor you wont ever need more then 10 gardians to keep your fleet alive. And you cna still use repulse like mad. If anythign gardians need a nerf of soem sort and I got a few ideas. But that is beside the point. Then comes the dominas witch are extremly similer to hoshikos but their abilatie are chaneling instead of instant cast. But their si reason for that. First Supresion will completely shut down and enemy ship, they enemy will not be able to move shoot or use abilaties, think it even stop pasive regeneration and you cna still fire at the nemy ship. Demo bots for TEC on disable weapons cuts speed by half and deal 250dmg mitigated and can still fire at enemy. Sub will also completly shut down the enemy ship by locking it in phase space thus you cant fire at them either their just taken out of the fight. Perserverence has 2 effect it repairs 25 hull per seond compared to 20 for hoshies and it clear abilaties that teh enemy has casted on ships. Say you lums got caught in distortion feild, well with perserverence you can cancel that feild. Basicly you cna counter the effect of your enemys support cruisers.
I for one don't see them gettign a buff of any sort except for a HP buff on subs but their HP should be what ti was before. I think 50% between what it is currently and what it was will surfice.
I have said it in other thread before and will say it again. Support cruisers are force multyplier and combat ship are only force additioners. At least that hold true if the game is balanced. If it's just an LRFs spam like it is current and how it going to get even more with the carrier nerf once more then that also break apart along with the game balance.