*Deep breath*
Normal. Always normal. Fast is garbage. Fast is stupid. Fast makes autoattack heroes like Regulus and UB dominate. You need time to use your skills. You can't interrupt anyone on fast.
The only custom setting i change is tower strength as they seem a little weak to me
*Deeper breath*
STOP TURNING THE TOWER STRENGTH TO HIGH. It completely throws off the mechanics of the game. The creep hp and damage and ability strength has been meticulously balanced to NORMAL tower strength. By putting it on high you are rendering certain heroes significantly weaker. Like QoT. Killing towers early is part of the game and you need to come to terms with that. Ability damage doesn't suddenly scale even though the towers have 50% more hp.
Normal creeps are supposed to live through TWO shots from a tower. This allows you to get some hits in each wave and retreat. Towers deal 250-300 damage normally. This is taking into account the normal health of heroes. When towers are dealing 400 damage to you it means you can't fight anyone near towers EVER. You can't chase people. This is not the way the game is supposed to be played.
If you think the towers are too weak, buy citadel upgrades, or defend them.
Why is it that all the hosts that turn tower strength to high are mostly using Regulus? Well duh, he doesn't have to deal with the idiotic strength towers. Think of the game balance, for the love of god.
Please, please people. If you're going to change custom options, put it in the game title or announce it to the players prior to the match.
I was in a match the other day where the host buffed towers way up but nobody really took the time to look and didn't notice. Of course, the typical gameplay ensues where one of the other team gets low and I start chasing them down. They run into their towers and I begin pursuit, knowing I can survive a few tower hits. However, then I see that the tower is doing way more damage than it should and I die. (Basically, free kill for them when it should have been a kill for me in a normal game).
+Infinity. I'm sick of going into games and the ONE game I don't check is when some fool puts the tower strength on high, or the speed on high, or the respawn timer on low (the worst thing you can do, don't get me started). You find out immediately in game and now you have to suffer through a stupid game with stupid rules because the host is the only person on the planet who thought it was a good idea.