I added you to my Friends list as BMF however it shows up as Shaft. Just double-checking to make sure its you.
No mate thats not me. MishYu has me added, perhaps grabbing me from her friends list might work.
Tyranny_of_Evil is my account name.
I searched BMF and found him.. so try that. But yeah, you can also just add him from my list. Mighty, I added you from Ead's list too.
Quoting TFL BigBANGtheory,
Actually L4D is fairly robust against idiot players as you can vote them off and restart without much of a penalty, the most frustrating experience is beginner players trying out survival or expert campaigns. IMHO opinion Valve should lock these levels for rewards as you progress....
Also in relation to Commando players, its better that the team co-operates so if someone is being a bossy bugger use chat to get the buy in from the rest of the team then go with the majority. Once you have your achievements its fun to go back and play the level differently and not hold the strongest points.
I would also advise you not to use exploits and map glitches on Survival mode to get a cheap gold, it will ruin the game experience for you.
So to anyone put off by MP lameness, I would actually suggest you take a look at L4D as it does more than most to basically make it a pointless and boring exercise for the jokers trying it on to the point that the joke is on them really.
Yeah, we had a player join us yesterday that wanted to do nothing but go with the glitches. It was amusing at first but it got old real quick. The only glitch that I actually enjoyed was the one in the Drain, where we made it into the safe room and fought from there. However, everyone assumed that the tank couldn't rip thru the door.. but I proved them wrong as the he did just that while I was standing directly in front of it.. *face palm*
Two quick FYIs: Since my bf and I share the steam account, to help ease confusion as to who's on the account at what time, we've decided (my bf's idea) to add to our nickname (Mish) if I'm on or (Rob) if he's on. So when you see : Fetus McMuffin (Mish), then feel free to IM me. lol
Two, I'll be at work ALLLLLLL day today (cuz retail sucks major balls and have no morale or compassion for their workers), so I won't be back till 7PM Eastern time. So, anyone interested, catch me on later tonight!
Have fun everyone!