Anyway, it's getting funny, they say a lot but they say nothing! They say "I am naughty and am playing with you", is this guy talking in Stardock's name? I hope not but I am afraid he is, he got the Stardock logo, whatever.
If you've been around the forums a while, you'll know that there's a fair bit of 'chain yanking' and tongue-in-cheek going on all the time.... and I think it'd be somewhat unfair that this fun is exclusive to customers only. Besides, Zubaz IS one of us... was a customer and user just like the rest of us. The Stardock thing is a more recent development, but that don't change WHO he is... and that is a great bloke and a good friend.
Me too, I've been paying for a few years as well, and yeah, I'd like WB to be working in Win 7 also, but I'm also aware that developing and/or adjusting an app for a new OS, one that integrates into the Windows Shell, BTW, takes time. It would be a negative if Stardock were to release an alpha or beta thast wasn't up to scratch and broke users machines, so the common sense approach of waiting until it is stable in as many variables as possible is the best way to go... for us as well as Stardock.\
Oh, and BTW, Vista SP1 is a stable and reliable OS that more than adequately serves my needs (x64). Not only that, Win 7 is its direct descendent, with a few improvements, not that the 'average' user would notice some/many of them, so how is it that Vista stinks and Win & doesn't? If Vista is a bastard, then Win 7 is the bastard child cos it shares the same genetic code.
Don't get me wrong, I like Win 7 and will purchase it at RTM, but I don't understand the hatred of Vista, the unfair comparisons to Win 7 when they were born out of the same crib . Sure Win 7 has improvements over Vista, but the same is true of Vista over XP, which to me, is a pig without lipstick in the absence of WB to make it look halfway decent. In fact, XP has been uninstalled from all our machines gere and replaced with Vista... and since the advent of SP1, I/we find it far more stable and reliable than XP, which is antiquated and should be retired/out out to pasture.