re: Citadel Upgrades
- there's already a favor reward for buying the most upgrades
- you already get buffs for buying them, thats what you're buying in fact. more exp, more gold, better reinforcements, better towers, etc.
- if a player doesn't understand that team-wide upgrades are usually bigger benefit to their chances of winning then being a ball hog and saving up for artifacts then its the player that needs to improve, the game system doesn't need revision for this
re: Default Move Speed
- there is already significant variance
- Beast and Vamp have default speed of 6.3 (+5% from base speed of 6.0)
- Rook has default speed of 5.4 (-10% from base speed of 6.0)
- there are only 8 Demigods, how much more variance do you want? move speeds have to be relatively close together or else move speed buffs and debuffs would be much less meaningful
re: Range of Snipe
- it does less damage than most other nukes, and has a longer cooldown than every other nuke, and has a longer cast time than every other nuke.
- its only real advantage is the range, thats the whole point of the skill, lowering the range is an extremely awful idea.
- its a support skill. you need someone else to spot for you if you want to snipe further than 30 units away. it encourages team-work, which makes it a good skill that is better for better players.
re: Exp Flag
- if the flag is important than you should fight over it. both teams have equal access to it. personally i think the 15% health flag is even more important than this one, as are neutral portal flags and neutral gold mine flags.
- try teleport scrolls and flag locks if you really want to hold a flag.
- there are much bigger issues in the design of some of the maps than 20% vs. 15% on the experience flag. i disagree that this is something that even needs to be considered for change.
- lets see if we can address the Erebus Bat Swarm exploit on Crucible first, or better still get some more medium sized maps in the game than just friggin Cataract.
re: Chat Lobby
- hit the Shift+Tab key to bring up the Impulse menu
- click on the "Chat" option in the Impulse menu
- there you go, pre-game chat, its already there
re: Concede
- an AI in place of a human team-mate screws them just as much (if not more) then being down a man. human opponents will ruthlessly hunt and kill the AI on your team and farm massive amounts of nearly free gold and exp. its probably better to just not have the guy on your team at all.
- Concede will show up as a loss on your record. thats the point. it will discourage rage-quitting so people won't bail on a game to avoid a loss on their record.
re: Variance between factions
- the graphics are a little bit different, but i agree, the differences could be emphasized more.
re: Structural Transfer
- rook is a pusher. he can't pursue DG's and he has alot of trouble retreating if he gets jumped 2on1. Structural Transfer is a key component of his playstyle.
- if you don't like Rook pushing your lane, go confront him. try to interrupt the Structural Transfer.
- i'm not saying that this ability is perfectly balanced, maybe adjustments would be good, maybe they wouldn't. i'm just saying this one hasn't even come close to raising a red flag from me. it doesn't seem off-balanced at all to me.