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main character and everything on the planet dies, it is definitely the end for them. Only reason the children and fluffy animals survive is a combination of the ridiculous alien subplot and the fact that killing children off in movies gives them a higher age rating, which means less profits.


Quoting CocaColaAddict,

Overall this movie opens once mind for a greath brainstorming ideas, and I think it is really awesome
as most movies just focus on one plot with a start and an end, yet with this movie we not just watching
a movie, it also forces us to think about things beyond the plot, and apply them to the movie
and then to see a whole different picture of what is happening in the plot.
In simple words, the movie forces you to apply different collors to differen pictures
so that you will see them in many diefferen prospectives, and all the twists in the plot
are just there to give you more prospectivs about more topics.

those kind of movies are very rare and I really recommend to watch it
maybe if you didnt like the movie it is mainly due the fact that you are used to
a single straight plot that follow a straight line from the beginning to the end. 
and when you see something like the plot of this movie, you may find it very confusing
as it is like the plot is out of focus. 

I'm not even sure to begin with this, practically all movies and books have references/make you think 'bout things outside the plot, just a few of the top of my head. 1981, The Lord Of The Rings, Gattaca, Equilibrium, Matrix and Serenity. This movie does have a single straight plot, its just so absurd that it does not fit within it's serious setting at all. It tries to do to many things at once - You are right the plot has no focus.

Quick recap:

- Too many sub-plots and themes led the movie to have no real focus and direction

- Alien twist shows how shallow the movie is.

- Direction of the plot is pretty predictable (part from silly alien addition).

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