and sorry for any mistakes
Hi all
K so today (that is after a great disapointment yesturday with the new Star Trek movie)
I watched the new "Knowing" movie, even though during the first about 40 minuts of the movie I though
its just yet enother horror movie that based on the idea of "white noice" and messeges from the after life,
later on I noticed that there is much more about it then some cheap philosophy.
The movie starts with a creepy looking girl that have a tendancy to act and do creepy things
with the plot following a sientist who found a wierd piece of paper full of numbers, which later on
I found out that those numbers were some sort of dates, predictions of distasters.
At first the main cheracter in the movie assumes his role is to stop the predictions from accuring
and by doing so, saving people, but later on we can see that it is in fact impossible as even though
we have a date and a place, we cant really know what will happen, and therfore to stop it from happaning.
this leads us to the last date on this piece of paper, which, all the way until almost the end is a mistery
but eventualy we find out that it is armageddon day, a day you cant do anything to avoid, this is
where the movie twists from horror like plot to si-fi where we find out that a sun flare is about hit earth
and turining earth into a flaming hell, burning everyone and everything.
Yet our main cherater dosnt loose hope and he fights to save himself, his child, some freands, and fammily
but eventualy we as watchers know that there is no escape, while by that time I already accepted the
faith of everyone in this movie, a new twist comes and philosophy makes it way to the front page
as looks like our planet is beein watched and protected by some sort of an angelic like glowing creaturs,
by the end of the movie those creatures gather some selected people, among them is the child of
the main cheracter, and while I hoped for the best, looks like there is price for anything
and even though his child was selected, he himself was not, and was doomed to die.
Accepting this we move to the last 10 minuts of the movie, where we see how the world is in chaos
and then how everyone die, but here come another welcomed twist, by the time i was all sad
watching everyone die, and looking on a sad end, the movie spent 1 last minute to give me hope
and to fill my hear with a joy of a good end, when they show us how those alien creatures
drop the chosen people on an unknown planet, something that remind me the lost eden from the bible
with field of green grass and tress and amazingly beautiful sky, a new life, new hope for humanity.
Indeed it was an amazing end, the movie combined in itself a philosophy about the origins of religion
and mystesism, which I really liked, overall this is an amazing movie.
Ill rate it 5 out of 5, with great graphics, amazing twists in the plot, very good acting
well writen plot, feels like some very good minds were behind it. Ill recommend it for everyone.