Hi all
I just saw the new Star Trek movie, and im thinking to myself, WTF?
I am a big movies fanatic, but if ill rate this move, ill give it 2 out of 5 stars!
First thing first, I never was a fan of Star Trek movies, yet i watchd it
and hoped they will give me some background, but during the 2 hours film, I kept woundering
who, when, why, and much more. While ignoring the fact I dont know ANYTHING about the races or history
I kept watching the movie, hoped that something will at least make sance.
At the beginning we see a wierd battle between 2 ships, later on I got the fact
that those were the Federation battle cruiser, and a Mining Ship from the feauture,
yet im woundering how come a minig ship, even if its from the feauture, can destroy a Battle Cruiser.
Yet the battle cruiser was completly destroyed (and how come a mining ship got weapons and shilds?)
Later on the story went something like this, the ship came from the feauture where the commander
of this mining ship got really pissed off as the federation didnt protected his home world
so he was like, "ok you killed my wife and didnt protected my homeworld, and now you die".
While his homewarld was in fact destroyed by natural couses (sun died and turned into super nova)
he blamed everyone in it, including the guy that tryied to save it but ran out of time, not his foult
at least he tryied, but he was punished anyways. (and how come they didnt left, knowing the end is comming
I mean even today we can predict the death of a sun).
So this guy destroyed 1 planet, punishing them, and then he kept going and now he want to destroy Earth too...
Obviously blaming Earth in the natural death of a sun and the stupidity of his people.
The story line was SO boring that I kept woundering, who was the idiot behind it?
1 angry guy, 1 big mining ship Vs the entire federation fleet.
And then there is some wierd time travel bullshit confusing me to death
so I ignored that part, imbrasing all my brain cells to figure out WTF is going on
and by the time im starting to undarstand something, 2 guys BEAM into the mining ship
killing everyone aboard, and then destroying it... with a happy ending
where you see people smiling, medals are thrown on the heros, and all are now true freands for life...
ah, and i cant just ignore the CHEAP humor, with a russian guy who cant verify a voice command
because of his half russian half american english, and an alien dwarf that looks like poo...
The only good thing I can say about this movie is the graphics
so if you are a fan of meaningless explotions, and some nice graphics, you will enjoy this film.
And if you are a Star Trek fan maybe you will undarstand it better then I did.
Overall, this movie was a waste of time.