Is back-dooring considered cheating or exploiting?
I used to play DoTA with a bunch of my friends until we discovered Demigod, now this game is our primary competitive game amongst each other. One thing I’ve noticed in online games, or even a commonly used tactic by the AI (well, maybe tactic or just plain stupidity on AI part) is to back-door.
Demigods run through defenses to take flags, especially portals, to stick massive damage to their opponents.
Personally, I don’t see a problem with this. Often it is a gamble, and different demigods are better equipped back-dooring, but with tools such as teleports and capture locks I think it is a viable tactic. Erebus is even able to bat swarm directly to the enemy base on the Crucible Level.
However, I have yet to use this against my friends for fear or retribution before I appeal to the community for feedback. Is this the dirty, underhanded trick it was considered to be in DoTA (sorry to compare Demigod and DoTA) or is it a viable technique to win games?