the pics are funny and all but could we please not post pictures that insult ones beliefs. im christian and the picture above me and the others about it are blasphemy. if you dont believe then fine thats you. but there is a saying : "judge not lest you be judged". those of you that judge christianity in a negative tone like the pictures depicting it on here you will be judged negatively as well. May God have mercy on your soul, Amen.
Seriously. What did I say in the OP? Don't get all offended. If you can't take the joke, then stop viewing the thread. And it's funny to make fun of gender, race, disablities and etc, but not ok to make fun of religion? I don't see you getting offended by the Jew's picture. Take a chill pill, find your sense of humor, then come back. Otherwise, feel free to gtfo. 
oh.. and btw: I don't need anyone to "pray" for my "soul", talk about violating personal space. sheesh.
Rofl, the christianity picture is awesome
it could of be funny too if it wasnt true, but it is...
So ill just go on with chewing this nice piece of Jesus flash with cheese on it
ROFL! You're fucking awesome. Lol I bow to you sir. lol Pass the dip! lol