Quoting schloob, reply 1I think it is bad for somoene with veto power to prowl the forums. Half of the people with negative opinions are too scared to say them so you get a lot of "this game is pretty good/ok/fun" with absolutely no critique on the dozens of negative factors. Also, you get critical but thought provoking threads locked down with a vengeance. Anyways, just my opinion.
Stardock rarely locks threads unless they get out of line. Obvious trolling will get locked eventually, but complaining is not automatically trolling. There's a difference between complaining about the game, and implying that monkeys could make a better one.
lol well put.
Plus, if you've seen on some other threads where it the flame war was starting to get heated.. a mod actually stepped in and said, "calm down folks or it's getting locked". They gave a warning instead of just down right locking it.
I was going to start a thread saluting Stardock and their amazing approach to this industry when I thought it'd be wise for me to check that such a thread had not already existed..
and ta da! I found this one.
I have such a great respect for them because, as others before me have said, where else will you see the CEO of a company join the crowd? Who else would admit their mistakes and show you all the effort they're putting into fixing that mistake? When the mistake originally wasn't truly their fault?
They stuck by the developers instead of just putting on the blame on them as EA would've done in a heartbeat. So even if you don't like the game, at least see what an amazing and honest thing these people at Stardock are doing.
Stardock +1 karma. Fo'sho.