In my workplace, there are preparations underway to go to a server-side network. My suspicion is that server-side software, in general, is not too far behind. As consumers, we may want to start asking some questions about how this is going to work. For example,
1) Is it going to be a one-time fee system, where you would buy a license and have permanent access to your product?
2) Is it going to be a subscription-based system, where you have to pay a monthly fee?
3) Are some companies going to offer pay-as-you go, where you connect to a company like AutoDesk to use 3DSMax for $5 or $10 per session?
4) Will we eventually be forced to buy computers that are little more than consoles?
5) Will we be able to connect just long enough to load our software, or will we have to stay online?
6) What about people who live or work in areas without high-speed internet, or without any internet at all?
7) How long will it take for somebody to figure out how to hack into the servers and steal user IDs or otherwise defeat the system?