How can I put this in the nicest way possible? Screw you. I have no money. I buy what I can afford. I wish it were different but it's not.
Then tough luck you miss out, otherwise get a job, or another job if you've already got one. Maybe if those options aren't avilable to you then you should consider getting some education to enable you to do so. If you can't afford something then you are not entitled to use it.
This is peoples' hard work and livelihood, if you want to take advantage of it then pay them for it. I somehow doubt that you would go to work on the condition that your boss would only pay you if he was satisfied (or enjoyed) the products of your labour.
If you want to enjoy a game and can't afford to pay for it, then guess what... (see above for the answer), show a little bit of moral character and miss out, or save up and then enjoy it.
I consider the argument about people pirating a game to see if it is any good and then purchasing it to be complete fucking bullshit. While I am sure that there are a few people who do this, they would be a miniscule fraction of the pirating masses (and note that even in doing this doesn't make it right).
Play a demo, read a review, talk to friends... and if those options don't exist or you don't know whether or not you should buy the game... take a risk or don't play it. You may end up not liking the game, but so what, don't buy from the developer in future or sell the game. Your supposed poverty doesn't entitle you to an illegal copy of the game to 'test' it. Nothing entitles you to enjoy the fruits of another's labour for free (unless of course they allow you to do so... I am not aware of any game developers who do so).
I personally consider the fact that all pirates that I have met justify their piracy shows that inside they consider they have something to justify!
Edit: To fix a possessive