Not much to say on details... Map was umm, one of the 3v3 maps but not prison... started with C... has 3 contested flags, gold mine + artifact in the center but creeps rush left and right
We had myself as eberus, torch and a rook on our side, the other side had an erberus and two queens of thorn, I bought nothing to start with, saved up for a facemask first to get mana regen happening (it's almost always my weakest resource) got a lvl 2 minotaur at the same time
There was lots of push and retreat, but I got to my flag first against Eby, and the two queens were pretty easily pushed off their flags, so we had a pretty strong start.
First blood took aaages, I think I was level 4 or 5 before it happened, and it was a QoT who was taking on our torch bearer and didn't notice me sneak up on her with bat and bite (I'd only just bought bat)
after that I went back and got gold upgrade plus I think boots of speed, at some point I got a few more kills of thorn queens, and eventually saw them all pushed back so I could go get lvl IV archers and the exp upgrade. I got cheap ass priests (monks) at that point just because I had some leftover cash and later on they saved me a couple of times with their timely heals.
I think I ended up getting one kill on the enemy erberus but I think he got me back twice. I had a few really close calls, both I and the other teams QoT's got away with about 10 hp left at one point. A particularly satisfying one was when the other eby went after me on the center flag, and had me down, but hadn't noticed our torch bearer creep up and wind up his fireball.
Umm... what else... I remember I was focussing fairly heavily on the enemy DG's minions whenever we initiated battles, as I wasn't confident I could take him out from full strength with them around, that seemed to do pretty good, although night crawlers take a LONG time to go down relative to other minions. When I got booted I had last glimpsed the levels at 13 12 13 on my side and 13 5 12 on the opposing side (one of the QoT was struggling hard) and we had lots of kills so I think the scales were tipping in our favour. I had the mana sucking gauntlets and was trying to save for crusader plate and typically after that I'll go for mage slayer if I'm desparate or cloak of fire if I think I can get the cash together quick enough.