There is some "small" issues with Object Dock Plus / Vista. Example, we tried 3 weeks with Stardock tech support to solve a reason, why i get "error message" after every launch, that Object Dock has recovered.... some settings, but this will only apply, if something goes wrong on (very) first start.
Contact Stardock support, so they can trace/track your issue. Even mine is not corrected, but i found simply solution, when i read these posts. You just need to quit Object Dock Plus, before restart. But in your case, i am not sure.
But, you paid (even if it is part of subscription or not) so you can ask help, if you don't find help from this forum or google, ask help from Stradock support. This will help everyone, on next release.
I was offered money back, but because it came with additional subscription - offer was few bucks.... so i will exit or click ok, after every restart. Instead nothing. Because i like the program, and it will work just fine... for me.
That "Ok" Button or quit before restart is not so awful, lol....