1. Am I supoosed to use the Ability Points of them or does the AI use those "unused" (or even all even if I choose Abilitys myself)
The AI will allocate its points if you do not do so.
2. If I have customized one of the Standard Races how do I "reset" it to its Standard Values. (I had a for Example Changed the Name and the Pic of Terran Alliance a few games ago and those new Values are still in Place for all new Games i start)
When you change the name of a race, GC2 automatically saves it as a new race/file. You should still be able to select the old, unmodified Terran Alliance in the opponent selection screen, or alternatively load it up to play as it in the race selection screen.
You can clear any modified stock races or customs out by deleting their .raceconfigxml files in \My Documents\My Games\ in \GalCiv2\ \GC2DarkAvatar\ or \GC2TwilightArnor\ as appropriate.