This is bollocks.
To all you people thinking "Gee, free country, internet companies should be able to do whatever they want"
Have you ever considered that the internet is a vital service for many people? Why do you think politicians make such a big deal about kids getting computers in schools? The internet delivers a fundamental good to the people, and that's information. Sure, we could live without it, I mean, just 20 years ago we weren't badly off.
But look at water? Electricity? Heat? These are PUBLIC utilities, regulated by the government to make sure semi-vital services aren't randomly cut off by some company that owns the only powerplant, the only oilheat, the only waterstation in the city. We learned a LONG time ago in the days of Rockefeller and US Steel that unregulated trusts and monopolies ARE BAD.
It's true- sometimes a single company in charge is the best solution, this is where you have GOVERNMENT REGULATION providing NECCESSARY SERVICES. Utility companies are regulated by the government. Police, Fire and Court Services- provided by the government. Road and Highway maintenance? Government. The engines of government RELY on the internet. Bad network infrastructure, gouging price schemes and other underhanded corporate taxes affects EVERYONE, just as much as if the electricity company did it. Should electricity companies be allowed to charge premium RATES for highend residential users? Industrial users? Corporate and government users?
It's time people stopped looking at the internet like it was some kind of fun gizmo only for nerds. These days it's a vital part of well, everything! How are you going to look at real estate? find a job? pay your taxes? bills? Without the internet, we're back in the 80s shuffling paper. Sure, it's possible, but who actually wants to do that? These days, using the internet is pretty much a valuable and required skill. Most businesses and governement organizations would completely collapse without it.
Broadband internet access should be available to everyone, just like public education. It is absolutely vital in building a healthy and modern society that is up to date with the latest world happenings and laws. It brings great benefits with few downfalls. (Copyright infringement, vulnerability to espionange) The world has staked it's future on the internet. To let people go without it is like...not letting them goto school.
The thing about government controlling big business is that these organizations are no longer individuals, but massive structures able to make life miserable or impossible for ordinary people on a whim. Armies of lawyers and creditors?
The argue for privatization is that privately owned companies do a better job at providing services. For things like..clocks, food, and various other consumer goods and services, this is true. But when a company fails at providing services neccessary for the public services, it's time that they be recognized for what they are- a public utility- and be run as such and in the public interest.