This BUG has been annoying me for a while. Miners not auto mining.
I have searched the forums, found similar problems but no definite fix.
Example scenario.
3 mines near home planet. Set miner to auto mine. Miner goes off and mines the asteroids. After a while message "miner xyz cannot find anymore mines and will go to sleep"
Then I research the next stage of mining. If I check on my miner it says it’s upgrading, but when I check on it several turns later it hasn't done anything. If I move the miner off the asteroid and click stop auto mining. It goes off and mines the nearest asteroid and then stops. Repeat and rinse.
Anyone else had the same problem or know of a fix.
I have version 2.02 of TA clean installed.
I have version 2.02 of TA clean installed.
I know its only a minor bug
, but...