wtfOP:so I take it most of us are have seen or heard of bsg and know about the FRAK bomb. The questions is what are the admins going to do. You are really droping the f bomb. So why frak can fraking say frak this is the word in where everyone could get away with frakking .... wait .... doesnt sound right oh well you frakers got a drity mind. SO dont hate me admins I just making frelling point oh Ill bring frelling back lol
maybe i just had to much fraking frelling sugger more cheep cookies for everyone
also I want an admins view this word can be overused and missed used I vote for a ban big fraking ban on the word if I offend you all I can say is REALLY....REALLLY.......
Stop. Saying. Words!
Your butchering of the english language is just too much to bear!
Why would the admins do anything, regardless? Unless you're a complete tool or retard, spamming cursewords in an attempt to sound cool every third sentance, I don't think any word is actually censored.
now, I know "freaking" has its own meaning, but when you say "hit that freaking cap!" its obvious what meaning you intend.
I'd like to argue that 'freaking' is it's own word, due to it's wide usage. Like
"hit that bloody cap!" or somesuch. The times I've used 'freaking' in this context, it never ever occured to me that could be missunderstood as some kind of substitute for 'fucking'.