Right now!
Time for the Stats!
Post Game: Round 3, 0-500-1000
UP Team
FinisKalan: 412
Othello: 1
Calania: 363
Polarstar_111: 8
DarthCaedusMorgan: 3
Bartholemue: 24
Bhereg: 2
Fujuki: 1
danw13335: 4
-OW- Athena: 1
Agentx250: 1
Varsi1: 101
Maccilia: 1
CommanderAdama: 9
Love9sick: 1
Loupdinour: 36
Boshimi336: 1
CaptainYar: 12
Sole Soul: 202
Cypher: 120
Lightning Round: Cypher, FinisKalan, and Sole Soul. Holy fuck guys. Up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down.......
Astounding Valiance: FinisKalan. Alone you held on whilst your enemy tore the ground from beneath your feet for a long while, with only the rare and confusing assistance of Varsi1 to help.
Came...From...Behind!: UP Team, from a knockdown to almost the start, all the way to victory.
Last Gasp: DOWN Team, with an astounding smashdown of UP Team.
Single handed Kick-Butt: (Thanks to Calania for the inadvertent name) Finis! Finis completely owned this game. Kinda like last game. And the game before that. I’m starting to think he doesn’t actually exist. Maybe he’s an AI existing in the Stardock forums. That would explain a lot.
Crazed Poster: Calania! You went from hardly any posts to 363 for the win!
Tag Teamers: Cypher and Sole Soul. Un-friggin stoppable, at least for a little while.
#1 MVP for all teams: FinisKalan (No shit!
UP Team:
MVP #1 FinisKalan
MVP #2 Calania
DOWN Team:
MVP #1 Sole Soul
MVP #2 Cypher
And as promised, there will be karma.
Reply to post #2078, I love you all too.
Yeah, yeah Sole Soul, laugh it up on post #1635…laugh it up.
And thanks, Finis, for handling that whole mix-up waaaaay back there in the 800s.
Their eyes move perfectly in synch.....look away.....LOOK AWAY!!!!