Dan'l Boone was a maaaaaan -yes a biiiiiiig man!
i hadn't imagined, much less anticipated, having that word appear on my blog. so i was taken aback (to say the least) and dismayed to see it here. i wasn't sure how to deal with it when i first came across your reply friday night nor any time to do so in any event.
i am so adamantly opposed to deleting replies. i've only had it happen to me a few times and i've never again replied or contributed to posts by those who did it to me--with one exception, although i'm not sure lucas counts as a real person.
so there i was til ms lw chimed in with:
~bursts into song, after reminding beeman how much she luvs him...
COONTOWN (by Johnny Rebel)
and the first thing that came to mind was jimmy durante's complaint bout 'everybody's tryin to get inta da act"