I just recently made a submission to the Wallpaper gallery here at WC, but it's not showing up when I browse the gallery... the only way I seem to be able to get to it is through my personal site. I've received and "Upload Notification" email and everything, but it just isn't showing up. What's the deal?
It is likely in moderation.
Some walls never make it ot the public gallery though. Yours may be one.
See this post: https://forums.wincustomize.com/?postid=150760
It is good but it need to be even better to make it to public gallery.... you can see it at your personal site though....
Keep ur good work up...
Well frankenstein sometimes the moderators deem walls appropriate for your gallery and not for the main library...that seems to be the case here...however dont take it personal, this happens to almost everyone at some point or another...keep keeping on, and fine tune your skills.
Ok. I understand... I know it wasn't spectacular or anything like that. I will strive to keep improving and hopefully get my next sub into the public gallery. Thanks for the support!
Thats The Spirit! Man
Good attitude buddy, and you'll get there!
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