Hey Loups,
I, too, just beat my first suicidal game about 10 minutes ago, and came rushing back to this forum to shout in delight and let everyone know about the experience, but you beat me to it!
I, too, played the Drath and my first observation is that I feel comfortable I can beat the AI using the Drath on any difficulty setting. They are mondo powerful. I just keep everyone at war with each other full-time. It increases my income and keeps me flush from the beginning of the game to the end. They also leave me alone because they are too busy fighting each other, and it slows their colony rush when they blow up each other's colony ships. I was able to actually win the colony rush this way.
What I discovered in this game was that building fertility clinics is the most pwerful strategy I've come up with yet. I take a planet, lay down a slave pit (gotta get the slave pit asap) and then spam fertility clinics. Your population soars quickly. This is useful not for the cash (I've got so much from war profiteering that tax revenues are pathetic no matter what) but for the extra influence you get from the population. I was able to grow my population way past those super-breeding Torians by mid-game and then it just soared. I had over half the population of the enitre galaxy and I was getting two planets a turn flipping to me because my orange Drath influence blob kept growing like an insane bacterial culture. I then decided to enhance this effect by researching the cultural conquest techs and mining two influence resources I had nabbed. I won the game handily by cultural conquest without ever having been in a war or even buildng a warship until the last ten rounds (just to try and increase my military score). I did trade for a few warships earlier in the game....I didn't want to look like too enticing a target, but really you just keep them busy fighting each other and spam culture at them while you secretly out-breed them with your orgy centers...err...fertility clinics.
I also have developed another strategy I use very effectively.....on round one I lock my military production slider at 1% and leave it there for the entire game. Crazy? Nope. This means my planets spend all their money on building improvements and research. I rush buy a fatory or two on Dratha, then stop building there, and let it produce colony ships with the excess production. Eventually with the right tech and rush bought improvements (go ahead, just buy the manufacturing capital and industrial sector, you have the cash from the war-profiteering!) I am pumping out a colony ship every two rounds. I also use minutarization to make smaller, less expensive colony ships to get to the one ship/2 rounds target. Or just produce blank cargo ships and upgrade them when the get to the target planet. You can pump out a colonizer every round this way, but you need lots of cash for the upgrades. Again, no problem, we're war profiteers. My other planets don't produce starships until they have finished building their improvements (all those fertility clinics). I don't need them to produce starships though since I am not going to fight with anyone and I'm cranking out a colonizer every round or two.
This worked incredibly well in my game. I got a better score than on all my non-suicidal games (before I learned how to crank out colonizers and how powerful the lowly fertility clinic is). Yes, the Drath rule. Literally in my universe. Now,, for a real playing challenge I am going to have to go back, pick another race to scale up with, and determine what strategies work for them.
Congrats on your Suicidal win!