Hmm. I disagree. I think Video games are primarily a way to tell a story, just in an interactive way. With exceptions, no matter what you do in the game, it won’t change the story. It doesn't matter if you play defensively, offensively, use rushes, only use a shotgun, turn left or right, run around in circle, explore every nook and cranny, no matter what you do you still see every point and arrive at the same ending. Just like a book, it doesn't matter if I read fast or slow, upside down, all in one sitting, or over the course of weeks, I still hit every point and reach the same ending.
There are exceptions, KOTOR had different endings, but the story basically stayed similar, and they were preset endings, not endings of your own creation. You also have games like Sim City that don't have an ending, but they are designed for a specific crowd, and even then, eventually those people get bored.
If the story wasn't such an important part of the game then there would be no reason to include it and your games would basically be juggle bowling pins with your testicles, a weird and random feat to master. Sins has a Foundation for a story and awesome game play so it functions without a developed story. If sins game play wasn't so top notch then it would have a lot less fans, but if its game play was decreased and it story increased an equal amount then it would have the same fan base, if the story was increased to that amount and it kept its great game play its fan base could double.
The story that Sins does have is pretty good, and people can see that. It’s got space, and space ships, and planets, and war. We can all understand that and connect to it. Without something we can connect to, either no story or a completely convoluted mess that makes no sense, the game boils down to some form of repetitive task, and those get boring.
And now that my little rant is finished, I agree that I eventually expect that a campaign will be released and it will be as great as this game deserves it to be. I would even settle for a Book, or Movie, or cartoon, or manga, or even a stick figure drawing. Well maybe not the last one. Point is I would like some form of developed story for this game, but I don't need it now, just eventually. It would be nice if we could get a concrete affirmative (Or a no) on whether or not there will be some development of the story, just so we can all rest easy. Perhaps it will come in the 3rd expansion.
And lastly, I would like to point out that StarCraft did have a good story line in generally, but for an RTS it was really good. (I was sorta upset when I had to kill Fenix and Duke in those last few Zerg missions). Any form of story is a type of art, and all art is subjective, so just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it wasn't still good, in fact since the only way to really judge art is by basing how the majority feels about it, and since the majority thinks that Starcraft had a great story, then by that simple fact, it does have a great story.