We all know of skinnable browsers like Firefox, Opera, ect. But think about this: How about a browser where you can change virtually every aspect of it (even the titlebar and window borders) to your liking while having add-ons that make the web browser truely your own?
That's where my idea of Stardock creating a completely customizable web browsing experience comes into focus. Stardock is famous for turning a Windows UI into something extrordinary. But how about an app that we use every day? (Like a home away from home?) How about a custom web browser that can skin everything from it's window borders and toolbar fonts right down to its design, buttons, even menu bar items?
Now many of you right now are probably thinking "Oh, this sounds like Firefox." Well, my idea is pretty much a web browser that can do MORE than everybody else. (Also, the skinning capabillities would make the app seem like Firefox on steiroids.)
What will it be powered by? How about a slimmed down version of WB. How about being able to switch between Trident (IE), Gecko (FF), and WebKit (Google Chrome) rendering engines at a single click? How about even combining them together somehow?!
This is still just an idea.
It's your choice whether or not to agree with me. I've seen Stardock's apps on the computer. Now they should spread it out onto a new turf, the internet.