So glad that I decided to browse the forums before dropping $20 on this software.
Just to share the perspective of a total outsider to your community...
I came across the free version of ObjectDock via another website (, I think). Downloaded and installed it on my 64-bit Vista system and really liked it, but I really wanted to completely replace the Windows taskbar. Seeing the links to "learn more about ObjectDock Plus", I checked it out and saw that it would do exactly what I wanted.
What I didn't see (although of course I see it now that it's been pointed out) was the "32-bit" part of the system requirements. My current PC is only a few months old; I picked it up at Best Buy. Every Windows system I looked at was running 64bit Vista, and while I was initially apprehensive about the dreaded Vista upgrade, not a single piece of software that I run has had problems making the transition from XP.
Since I've already been running the free version of ObjectDock without issue, I wouldn't have even thought to check the requirements for the Plus version. And I'd expect software such as this, aimed at the enthusiast market, would support current versions of windows. I don't know what made me visit the forums before purchasing - maybe just the present economic climate makes me a bit more cautious with my dollars - but I'm glad I did.
Needless to say, I won't be purchasing the Plus version since it doesn't support my OS. Fair enough. However, after reading through a dozen or so threads here, I'm not likely to purchase it in the future either. Surely this could have been handled better if customer service were really a priority? When I installed the free version on my 64 bit OS, I didn't see any warnings about not meeting system requirements. The free version happily displayed enticements to upgrade to Plus without noting my OS was unsupported.
What would have brought me back to purchase a version that supports my OS? How about a very clear message on the Plus page stating that "64bit OS support is coming soon - enter your email address to be notified when it's released"? I'd have signed up for a notification - I like the free version and just wanted to add my system tray and start menu to the dock.
Fortunately, I came to the forums first, and what I found is the reason I'm not likely to become a customer in the future: angry (and apparently long-suffering) users, dismissive staff (occasionally bordering on hostile), and workarounds that seem to rely on unsupported betas obtained by installing outdated software updaters available only on warez sites? Suddenly the woeful Windows taskbar doesn't seem so bad 
I'm not sure why I've even bothered to create an account just to post this, but I felt compelled to share my thoughts. As a fellow business owner, I'd love to have users that are as passionate about my products as the users here seem to be. These don't seem to be the ravings of a few disgruntled users, but rather the pleas of a user base that has allowed this product to become a vital part of their daily lives, and it pains them not to be able to use it on their current systems.
A little honesty regarding future updates would probably go a long way towards keeping that user base happy. Even better would be some sort of official workaround, or perhaps a beta fix for those on 64bit systems. At any rate, I hope the people behind this product realize that the users making so much noise on these forums are probably some of the biggest fans of their software. A passionate user base is a great thing to have, but those same people are going to hold your feet to the fire if they feel you're not meeting their expectations. And it's a problem many companies would love to have.
Best of luck.