OK. I see your problem. I have a fresh install of Vista x64 SP1 Ultimate upstairs. I installed OD+ with Impulse, and it installed 1.09.033 as the latest beta from Impulse. NOTHING really worked in x64 just like everyone has stated. I tried to tell Impulse to allow betas/alphas, and rebooted, but nothing but v 1.90.033 would show up in Impulse. I rebooted, refreshed Impulse, everything I thought possible, to no avail. SD/Impulse are screwing us by not allowing the TRUE latest betas to update via Impulse, which allow x64 features.
So I installed SDC 2.54, told it to show beta versions, and installed OD+ 1.90i[b].020, without uninstalling the previous Inpulse install. I rebooted, and SDC says I have the latest beta v 1.90i[b].020, but if I open impulse, it says that I have the latest beta v 1.90.033. WEIRD.
But now, all the x64 features work.My downstairs computer has OD+ v 1.91k[a].025, but I forgot how I got that one installed. I think I uninstalled OD with Impulse, rebooted, installed 1.90i in SDC, rebooted, then uninstalled SDC, and told Impulse to update, and it showed the 1.91k version.
So basically, if you use Impulse without SDC, SD screws you and does not allow the latest betas 1.90i nor 1.91k to update on Impulse. And thus, x64 features DO NOT WORK. It appears from trying this on four different machines, all Vista x64 Ultimate, that you must use StarDockCentral (SDC) 2.33 (download) which auto updates to v 2.54, to be able to download a beta version of OD+ v 1.9x, which will work on x64.
You'd think SD would have things somewaht straightened out with Impulse. It appears they still have tehir head in their @$$ when it comes to helping their hardcore customers, who buy their sw and then try to help others on the forums. Maybe 2009 will see the update to OD+ v 2, or maybe not. At the going update speed, we may be using Win 7 SP1 by the time an update shows up for OD+.