Okay, I was able to get it to work thanks to a combination of what people have said above.
1) Uninstall OD+ 190.033 from within Impulse
2) Reboot
3) Using SDC, install 190i[b].020
4) Run OD+ from the Start menu etc (wouldn't run from SDC directly for me).
5) Be happy. 
I manually made sure "Enable MCP notification area support" and "Enable MCP SmartStartup" are CHECKED in the SDC/Tools/Settings/General tab, but I don't know if that is required. I did this in SDC before rebooting above, just fyi.
I now have Start Button and System Tray on Zooming docks support under Vista 64 Ultimate.
I hope this helps and again, thank you to Wally3k, et al, for their helpful comments.