The Inhibitors aren't there to stop huge fleets from moving around.
In my opinion, Inhibitors are supposed to make small scale irritating hit-and-run tactics ineffective due to being unable to get away.
Inhibitors have to be prioritized by the AI. In my longest game I took out 10000 frigates, most of them during battles that went like this:
- AI brings a he-oooge fleet to one of my planets but doesn't bother killing the inhibitor.
- I Marauder-to-Phase-Stabilizer jump my fleet to intercept.
- the AI goes like "Aw !@#$% !! Eject Eject Eject!!!" and makes a run for it towards a phase line.
- not killing the Inhibitor
- so I just bring my level 5+ Space egg next to the enemy fleet, wait till they have their jump almost loaded and throw Gravity Warhead.
- the enemy doesn't even fight, desperately tries to jump away. As soon as the ability fades off, the AI ships again try to jump away.
- when they've almost loaded their jump, my space egg has Grav Warhead ready again. Rinse, repeat, for up to 20 minutes or so.
- My WtfDatMustBeZillionzOfEm enforcers grind the helpless enemy ships to nails in the meantime.
So yeah, something should be done about the AI there.
Suggestion: Make jump inhibitors ~30% tougher, so they're not so easily killed, but make them somewhere near top priority for AIs and make them top priority if the AI wants to evacuate. (i.e. if they wanna run away, they should first bang the inhibitor)