Quoting FlyGuy7, reply 11(not my foult if you feel gay from that, because I don't /jk )
Flyguy I never read any of your posts beyond your first opening paragraph. I assumed you where immature for making the discussion personal!
That wasn't direct to you, that was a universal jk (even I was in it, since if I told that, I obsviusly had to take notice of it first). English is not my first language, I didn't meant you (directing to you), but instead you (everyone/anyone) reading that, exacly because the comment I did could sound very happy (meant gay almost has I mean happy). I didn't quoted you or mentioned anyone's nick. I was generally speaking regarding the going on discussion that the game is/isn't cute. And that is so true, that there isn't any other comment in the entire post that could sound offensive or be mistaken like it.
Let me quote TC, has you trolled the main discussion a lot. This is not a topic to ask about changing the art style or the graphics, it is regarding the zoom level and level of detail up close:
A while ago this was mentioned about Elemental, this was way before it was officaly anouced however.
'You can zoom out and see a cloth map of the world - and these are randomly generated worlds that look as if someone painstakingly created it with a sophisticated map editor, which the game does have built-in, too - and then zoom all the way in to a leaf on an individual tree in a forest in one smooth loop, where the ground and trees look as good as you’d expect in a high-end first-person shooter. '
Now the curent scren shots don't show any where near this level of detail, is this a cut feature, and if so how close can you zoom now, and what will it look like when zoomed in very close? I am loving the current art style, so I was wondering what the LoD close up is now.
But since you lured it. I can asure you, many people do enjoy a colorful style (I like the ones that uses it and the ones that don't, things just need to be well made) finding it cute in their opinions or not. Imagine has someone like excessive cutish stuff, and go troll in L4D foruns, to complain about it when they already choosed a style? It is not and NEVER will be 50% disagreeing the graphics of this game is not good but actually bad. Also mostly of the few that aren't very happy with it, are fine to wait it get finished.
I said later about explicit cute, or cutish material:

Left bunny is cutish stilized, it forces to be cute (it is ridiculous in my personal opinion). The right one, follow much better and closer the reality, the bunny's anatomy and expression and do not try to exaggerate it or provoke the viewer regarding that; it have a unique style based on what is real. It is sigtly cute imo, any picture of a bunny (even a real one) can feel cute for almost everybody. Any small looking castle, can also feel cute, especially if there is any bright color in it.

This is not even that right bunny case. You sound like you don't undestand anything of art style at all. The windows of the castle arent exaggerated and it isn't fat. The estructure of it seems to follow real escale, even the population if looking close, are very tiny in comparisson. Aside from the windows colors (that are very tiny), there are only TWO vivid colors in the city: Dark Red and Orange for the roofs; everything else is grayish or brown. And I absolutely like the roofs, and the style in general. The city is cute and very nice, just isn't ridicously cute or provocative, how you want to make it look like. There is even missing what would be a pontential thing to make it cutier: the flags on top of it. Where are they? An artist that intend to provoke cute feelings, would never forget it. That castle is only beatiful and because of it, it can possibly appears to be cute, just like someone could say of a girl.
You Anomander, are just acting radical over it, to make your personal whishes prevail or stand up, that is to have all realistic modeled and colored thigs like many games have. But many people do like sighly cute or beautifuly stylized art especially for a board game.
Age of Wonders graphics are cute imo (not exaggeratedly so), they are great. Worms Armaggedon have VERY cute graphics (provoking/intended), much more than here, with funny cute voices, and is in my opinion and of many, one of the best and most addictive strategy games ever made that captived even (or especially) adult audiences. The cute aspect made it even more fun to play. But it was good simply because the artists were good, and that was great to pass the feeling they wanted for their game.
Now look the Bestiary:

Colorful and yet serious (realistic) in the expressions and anatomy, It is a good mixture. I think the animals here are very fun to look at. If I want to see a real crocodile I can have a real photograph of it or go play Metal Gear Solid (if thats it).
But even tough I personaly like the art already, a lot since there was a long time since I lastly found a board game with colorful designs, I'm not saying its the best thing they could ever possible do with it (tough I am not a designer and capable to do better or have an idea of what could be. I just like it and know I will enjoy the way it is going till now). You don't even know how to tell what is better apart from criticise what is already there.
A way to tell it would be like: "I wish the game could have more darker colors, less bright, more use of shade, or I wish it could have a totaly different art style and designs because I do not sympatize with the current one. I wish castles would be made of a bigger design and not be pictured like it is in the Civilization games. I do not like the 2d feel" ect. Then would see other people reactions and what they think about this since this game is not being made for you. You ridicule it just to try to provoke feelings and confusion so that what you personally want (or need) stand up, which shows you are just a selfish person. Not to mention, with a bad restricted taste.
I enjoy the art of this game and I'm not a fanboy, my account is registered for a long time on Stardock, and yet this is the first forum I went into. Do this especially if you are going to contradict many people, and explain reasonably what you think that could be better instead of trying to ridicule or say how bad it is what its there. You trowed into disorder what the topic was about, which was the zooming capabilities and the level of detail from it, not to put into judgement the colorful art design choice.