This is an easy little game to kill some time.
I start with a question and you must answer with a question. As easy as that.
I'll start: Did you cheat in school?
That's a negatory right thar. But, there was a Ghost and Mrs Muir, Remember that one? And there was horsing around on this show but no silver bullets in this one..
Ahhh you remembered the Lone Ranger did ya? And yes I remember The Ghost and Mrs. Muir.
If a horse could talk.
Well, one can Uvah. His name was Ed. Incredible Mr, Ed. Which reminds me of that lone German Shephard, maybe he'll be back tomorrow, but, for now he's got to move on. Sound familiar?
Rin Tin Tin it is. I know somebody's mom that got really bad gas mileage. Guess who?
My Mother the Car? Or how's about another dog quiz? Where's Timmy, in the well. Show us the way. Let's go save him,,,,,
Lassie come home. Do you know how many collies portrayed that dog? And how many of them were males?
Bubbles bubbles and more bubbles. I couldn't stand this show. Every time it came I went to another room.
Lawrence Welk? Somewhere in my youth I would watch it. Mom liked it. Then as I got older, my tastes changed.
Richie had some rock around the clock choreography that was cool at Arnold's. Partridge Family?
Partridge Family? Happy Days....YO!
All eight of them. Too much?
Indeed. I think one would hear alot of Danger,Danger,Danger with that bunch?
was it Lawrence Welk? }
Eight is Enough. Another one that got 'Lost In Space'
Florence Henderson had her hands full
i'm sorry, what's your question?
And for how much? A, B, or C.
If you have to ask how much, then you can't afford it, haven't you ever heard that?
Maybe. Maybe I hoid alot o stuff. Yeah, you calling me cheap? You's want me to send somebody over? Said Tony.
And if you sent somebody over, where would you send them... and what would they find when they got there... wherever that is?
He's baaaaaaaaack and do ya think he's bring us some popcorn or something? Nooooooo.....he brings us more rhetorical, thoroughly inconsequential pieces of wisdom he gleaned from the latest issue of home and gardens. Go figure.
Hi starkers
That is pretty much over for another season over here. Rake the leaves. And every color under the sun in the trees. Mostly orange. Sounds like I like it, don't it?
I could tell you but, then I'd have to kill you.
That isn't much incentive, now is it?
It would work for me.
Although there is that saying,"you catch more bees with honey". Heard of it?
Does it work for double dees as well?
As in honey incentive? Or the art of persuasion by wise guys universal?
If it did would it matter?
George Reeves, Christopher Reeves. One is easy one not. Which?
George Reeves, cuz, Reeves #2 is Superman. Or was. Right?
{don't know who George is?}
Christopher Reeves is the easier one. George Reeves back in the sixties played a mythological Greek hero. Do the Twelve Labors ring a bell?
Gotta say negatory for that one...... Do you remember Barnabus Collins? Life sucked for poor Barnie.
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