Today is my seventh anniversary of being a member of Wincustomize.
Ovver teh years I've seen a lot of people come and go. I've seen the site change design a few times and speed up and slow down. The apps that are skinned here have gone througn lots of iterations.
The community though . . it's stayed the same. It's not the same that it was . . but it's like a river . . always moving but still the same river.
This is where I thank the people that mde it special:
Thank you all. Thanks you for asking questions on teh forums. Thank uyou for answering. Thanks for uploading skins and for commenting on them. Thanks for feedback on the apps and the bug fixes you all come up with. Thanks for the discussions, the arguments, and teh lack of flaming. Thank you for welcomeing the noobs and putting up with the old guys.
Thank you for the jokes and the prayers. Thank you for making this place a refuge from the real world. Thank you all for making the last seven years better than they would have been otherwise.
Thank you all.