One of the things I liked about MoM was the Neutral towns, there weren't many of them but there were a few of them. So on my starting Contient their maybe 6 neutral towns. These towns used to be linked together via roads and were like little mini nations, and were often belonging to other races. And so though you were building your empire these were juicy little targets. And they were always worth taking. So for example my favorite race on MoM was the High elves(they always had LOTS of magic), which I took with a combination of Death (for the dark ritual spell) and nature or fire. And taking over these towns was the best way to get slave races.
This often allowed you to iron out the problems with your own race. High elves for example made tones of magic but had slightly weaker soilders. Thus other races made perfect targets. My Death worshiping High elves . Would go and annex other races like the Troll giving me regeneration warriors. Anybody else use the tactic of using the 'black channeling' (i think it was called)spell turning your soilders into zombies giving them some nice bonus but preventing them from healing. But trolls regenerat so as long as I won the battle i got them all back. And the Upkeep was a dodle with High elves.
Or say taking over the lizardmen for those cool turtle things.
Because though the world is meant to be 'broken' after the catacylsm thing. But i find it hard to beleive their would no be other nations struggling through the dullge without channelers.
So anybody know what is being planned, or perhaps just share a few thoughs?