I don't play games much, unfortunately, I mostly read a lot (really a lot) about games. Before, I could play games all day and be immersed, but has I gained a few more years I lost most of it.
I bought Fallout 3, and its very good. The Graphics, story (it seems) and general. But, even tough I didn't wanted it to be it, I got very lazy for story and progressing games. I feel has if only at the end I would get the top satisfation out of the game. Thats why I'm at Megaton and don't feel like going to play right now; even tough I could, I need to wait for the right moment.
On the contrary, I could pick SoaSE and play it for that long matches till the end and I did it many times. I stoped playing it back ago still, because I found it easy and after you got supremacy, only to finalize the game would take a lot of time. I had happy times with this game and it showed me a type of game that should go better with me now.
The game style I think that fits me more, its the kind that gives you fast gameplay rewarding and innovation each time you play. The type of game you just pick it up, begin to play and have action immediately and easily. Very surprising for me still, it is the kind of games Stardock focus on. SoaSE, Demi God, and even Elemental:WoM, all games you can start a 'match' and start having fun. I also like matchs with more length, its much more enjoyable, give you time to immerse and use more tactics and you don't stop playing so fast, or else you would often feel obliged to start a new match if the last didn't satisfied you.
I also liked GalCivII and Civilization many versions, but its not quite like that. This games are a bit more long term in rewarding, but they are very very fun. Still It is a bit lazier to start a new game there.
Now I'm waiting for Left 4 Dead too, because its that kind of game. You get it, and 'supposedly' have instant and fast fun, and each time you play it can feel different (in the limitions of course). No need to talk, and just progress to a inevitable final ending that is, obviously, different from a sigle matche's end. I admit I don't like endings. Also waiting for Demi God that will take more time to arrive since I don't buy anything over the internet.
Ill give another small exemple, even tough I didn't wanted to because the producers and the community from this game are horrible, I just hope they fail. I would say for anyone interested in this to put the parrot and eye patch on. Its called Cortex Command. Its not really comparable with bigger titles, but its instantly fun, the AI and gameplay is fun and unpredictable at times. Since the start you can have fun, and just get skilled each match. You just feel its good to have it on your HD always. I like games that can be so fun that even if you loose it don't frustrate you. I wish SoaSE was harder on normal.
Match games also allow you to use your own music when you need. To do this while on Fallout 3 for exemple is a waste because the game needs you to be immersed till the end. I'm a very gameplay intensive player, graphics are one of my least disire in a game; I think almost all games come out with nice graphics today. Just the Art style that makes the difference but nothing demanding of hardware. I have a high end pc because I needed it for some games (and upcomming games) to be functional. SoaSE for exemple, have beatiful art and designs and its not demanding.
I like any game style out there, just if the game is good I can appreciate it. But I can have more fun and feel more disponible lately with those kind I explained. Do you understand it and what is the style you like more?