Quoting psychoravin, reply 3You've GOT to be KIDDING US.
Troll alert, do not feed, please...
lol ... actually I read it all and I just have to answer
You've GOT to be KIDDING US. The download speed of Impulse is cut in half compared to SDC!? This is preposterous! And what's this crap the retail version of Endless Universe will not be sold in the states??! So you give everybody else the chance to get these expansions in the BARGAIN BIN later on and not US as in U.S.??!! Well I just guess I will be IMPORTING them from UK then pfffffft on gew. Man Stardock used to be a great company, but, this mess is getting worse than STARFORCE in that you gotta have this and you can only download with that and you CAN'T HAVE ANY HARD COPY of the PATCHES ON YOUR DISKS....You may have sold 300,000 copies of GCII, but, with all these restrictions and patching procedures I'm sure you've sold your last 300,000 copies of anything to do with gaming.
just buy spore (or the sims) instead man
at least when maxis do meaningful updates you have to pay for them
now isn't this nice ? personnally I prefer a poorly written buggy downloader over trying to milk me like a cow (ok companies have to earn money, but I hope one day all sims players realize how little VERY buggy content maxis throw at them for money... even the fansites like "toto et nono" said it's becoming worse and worse) 
PS: not saying that impulse is a poorly written buggy downloader, this was said for the sake of comparison