Dunno if you remember that back in July... you and/or codecritter had found the 'renaming' of surface tiles to match the query images shown when we scan through between planets; IIRC, this was a persistent bug that would maintain a 'memory' image of a global pool of 72 tiles that got re_used on every planets.
Arrrrggh... I was *really* hoping that this issue would show up as fixed in the 2.0 version - but, it still isn't.
What this annoyance does to me (and most probably others who already noticed!) is very simple;
- I am trying to enhance the whole terraforming features for X-Worlds to integrate three new extreme colonization layers, specific terrains tiles and a complete overhaul of the 'normal' gapping detection by the necessary heightmaps raw files.
- When i encounter (say) an Aquatic planet, the Prairies tiles are no longer **SUPPOSED** to be a Prairie (along with its default image) but rather a modded specific extreme with an alternate Aqua pic.
- On that very same planet; you can **also** find Coastal regions (improvable, btw), Toxic Volcanoes, Radio-Active areas, Icebergs in the Arctic & Abyss tiles in the oceans (at a specific maximum depth of the usual heightmap data values).
- Multiply the above reasoning by FIVE extreme types.
I must design the entire new coloring schema(s) for **ALL** default settings so that the many new layers need to be detectable and, most importantly, represented in the interface as they should.
Currently, the game doesn't do that since it simply scrambles up the tiles at random.
So, i can't work under these conditions... much less finally doing all the planet raws for every 36 major Races Homeworlds and other planets in their systems knowing the actual (example) Heavy-Gravity Vortex tile where the Avenger must land and the 'Core Brain' building be built on - will again show up as Mountain or anything else!) when it certainly isn't.
Please? Once more.