The Sins of a Solar Empire v1.1 BETA will become available on Thursday, July 24th. As the name states, this is a BETA release and it will have bugs and other issues. Please do not install the BETA unless you're willing to accept all that testing it entails. We will be looking towards users to give us feedback on what's broken and what you'd like to see improved during the test.
The version 1.1 BETA will be available in English only and only via our Impulse client (the final release will be available in multiple languages for those who purchased the game from Kalypso). The Impulse client is free and may be downloaded from
If you have a forum account here or on any other Stardock website, you may use it to log into Impulse. The Impulse client should automatically see your Sins install; this assumes that you registered Sins of a Solar Empire under the same account (i.e., email address). If you did not, you will need to manually register your game in Impulse by clicking the window icon in the upper right corner (see screenshot below) or clicking on the Orb and selecting "Register a product."

At this point, you should see Sins of a Solar Empire appear under the My Games tab. If you want, you can drag and drop other games' shortcuts into Impulse to launch them from here, but that's off-topic...
As this is a BETA, you will need to tell Impulse that you want to see pre-release versions of the game. You can do this by clicking on the Orb in the upper left and selecting "Show pre-release versions."

Impulse will now check to see if an update is available for Sins. After we've released an update, you will see a separate Update tab in Impulse, but you may also update the game from the My Games tab. Just select Sins of a Solar Empire and click the Update button. Impulse will compare your installed files against what's available on the server and update accordingly.
Some Final Notes on the BETA
Impulse will show the Sins update as v1.09. This is normal as we're working up to v1.1. As we put out updated BETA versions, the version number will increase until we hit the final v1.1.

- You will only be able to play multiplayer games with others using the v1.09 BETA (you can still play single-player games too).
- If you run into problems or have other feedback, please post it in the Beta Feedback forum. We will be looking for reports here and if you post them elsewhere, they may be missed.
- You can read over the Change Log here.
The Sins v1.1 BETA will be made available on Thursday, July 24.
UPDATE: If it's taking a long time to download the Sins update, you may want to uninstall the game and reinstall the entire beta fresh. Full installs come off our Cachefly network which has a multiple servers and loads of bandwidth.