Why does anything have to be balanced? Don't measure it upon that. Measure it on the fun you're having, or the challenges laid before you.
If you are having fun despite of imbalances, you just dont know the game well enough yet to get frustated about it.
If the Horde is outnumbered so badly wouldn't it make dungeoncrawling as a Horde member better? You would be competing vs. less people for the loot? Is that not how it works?
No, its not about the loot, its about that on pvp servers, alliance members can kill any horde member without restrictions and vice verse. and since the major dungeons can be reached by both factions, you will certainly face more hostile players when playing horde. which makes dngeons harder if you need to defeat alot of enemy players too.
Get some friends to play with you, and you'll have no problems at least doing 5-mans whenever you need them.
World PvP isn't a big deal, really--if you have major problems getting ganked and don't have an alt or friend to help, just go to another zone or play on a server that's offset from your own timezone.
Thats no solution(s). Alliance can just bring more ppl since they outnumber Horde 2:1.
And maybe i want to play with a certain character in a certain zone? The possibility of changing the character/zone/server does not stop me from being frustrated about it.