Ghostwes, why would I lie.
Because you're just some guy on an internet forum.
I'm just a soldier, nothing more.
So you say...
You, on the other hand, are an idiot. You have no basis to say that I am lying, yet you did.
Actually, I do have basis. You provided no facts to back up your assertions. Later, after this comment, it appears that you have provided some links. I'll check them out.
I will say this, however: I am aware of mass graves in Iraq. Mass graves such as the ones you described I am not aware of, and I would be very interested to see that verified for myself. If true, I want to know why these things were kept out of the media and why. I'm sorry, but I'm much more willing to believe journalists, eye-witnesses, experts than I am some guy on an internet forum, especially one who throws insults as readily as you do.
You follow the newspapers and of course they must know because the military never keeps secrets, nor does this government.
I think you are attempting sarcasm here. Look, if such a thing were true, why on earth would the US keep it a secret? It would help their cause for war! More likely, they would lie about such things in order to make people think the war was justified. One has to be discerning about these things, and be critical about what one is told. Especially, I might add, from random guys spouting off on an internet forum. Such as you... and me.
Better for people to think you a fool then open your mouth and prove it Ghostwes. You know nothing other then what they want you to know. Go talk to a soldier, someone who's been there. Call them a lier too when they tell you what they've seen (if they were unlucky enough to get that duty).
I'd rather talk to an Iraqi civilian, actually. Especially for things such as you describe, or from a journalist that I trust (and there are many that I do not). I would be much more likely to get the truth that way. Soldiers don't own a monopoly on truth, that's for damned sure.
You wouldn't though, you are most likely young and came of age during this conflict. When you saw a recruiter, you most likely had to focus very hard to not piss down your leg at the thought of what was going on in Iraq.
I'm probably a lot older than you are, actually, and there's little chance of me being recruited to fight in your stupid, immoral, illegal wars of aggression because I don't even live in the USA, thankfully.
Prove me wrong.
Uh huh. And how do we prove you are right or wrong without actual facts, pray tell?
I believe you may possibly have been a soldier in Iraq, but I don't believe you on the subject of the mass grave you mentioned, nor why it didn't make it into the news. Anything else you have to say is neither here nor there. I believe I have a solid enough grounding on what's happening over there to sift through some of the lies being told, is all.